Coffee accessorizing

I spent the last post discussing many different coffee options. Onto the accessories. 

A burr grinder. My bum shoulder made my manual grinder almost impossible to use on a daily basis, so after months of drinking pre-ground coffee, I decided to upgrade. My coffee guru friend recommended this conical burr grinder, and our local Batdorf & Bronson coffee roaster concurs. 

A new coffee maker. For the last couple of months, I've spent more time thinking about my automatic coffee maker - about the water moving through sections of heated plastic - and wishing I was drinking something, well, less plastic-y. 

Enter Chemex. I noticed this a couple of weeks ago at my local coffee shop and was intrigued. My coffee guru friend approved of the product, and local Batdorf & Bronson has a nice summary about it on their website. 

After probably too much contemplation, I went for the new grinder and the Chemex, considering them an early birthday present to myself.  

My coffee tastes so much better. These changes actually reminded me how much I like coffee. I have to get up about 5 minutes earlier in the morning on work days, but it is well-worth the investment.