Malodor vs. Maleficence

A while back, I switched deodorants because I developed an allergy to the one I had used for years (basically intense itchiness every time I applied it). My sister recommended I pick a whole new brand and scent because this helped her resolve a similar problem, so I grabbed a Tom's of Maine off the shelf. Within a month or so, my allergy resolved completely.    

All of this really got me thinking, so I cross-checked my original product with EWG. Although it did pretty well overall (rated 4/10), it contained ingredients with the potential to cause skin irritation, organ system toxicity, and bioaccumulation in wildlife. Some of the ingredients also had contamination concerns, including asbestiform fibers.

In 2016, Time published an article reviewing the 5 things wrong with your deodorant. Want the three second summary? parabens, triclosan, phthalates, fragrance, and possibly aluminum. I realize the potential association with aluminum is questionable (see ACS summary on antiperspirant), but the others are fairly common ingredients to avoid in cosmetics and skin care products. Pure Haven and EWG (scroll to the shopping tips by ingredient section) have nice summaries of what to avoid and why.  

In short, I'm glad I made a switch. My allergy resolved; I reduced my chemical exposures; and my money helped support a company whose practices include environmental responsibility. For example, Tom's participates in TerraCyle; their palm oil is Rainforest Alliance certified; and they have a goal of zero waste by 2020. 

Interested in switching deodorants? 

  • The most comprehensive comparison I could find was done by
  • Also check out the review by Allure.
Update: I have recently been investigating plastic-free alternatives, so I purchased a Routine Cream sample of 12 scents on Amazon, which is the same that the company offers on their website. Unfortunately, the samples came in plastic, but I figured if I liked a couple of them, I'd know which glass jars to purchase in the future without wasting too much money. Thus far, I have been pleasantly surprised. The product goes on easily and passed a Tahoe hiking test. I still have 6 of the 12 scents left to try, but my favorites include Sweet Jane, Superstar, and Bonita Applebom.