Composting in a Condo
an effort to reduce the volume of trash that our household creates, I
started investigating composting options. A couple of our neighbors compost at home, but this won't really work in our place right now.
Unfortunately, compost pick-up is not included with our regular
recycling and trash services (unlike places such as Seattle, Tacoma, San Francisco or Pacifica), so here are our options:
Compost pick-up, paid separately.
Compost pick-up, paid separately.
There are a couple of companies that will provide this service for a fee, such as CompostNow, Cyrcle, and Let Us Compost. A summary of options in the southern states can be found here.
Compost drop-off points
In the DC area, the city of Alexandria has compost drop off points at local farmers markets. I am not sure if this is an option in our area, but I plan to keep searching.
Join a community garden
community gardens offer composting on-site. This has the added benefit
of providing an opportunity to dig in the dirt and grow some nice
veggies. Although our schedules don't really allow for dedicated gardening right now, I contacted a nearby garden about starting to compost with them for free - hopefully this will work out. If not, I'll move forward with trying to get a paid pick up service going. The added benefit of the paid service is that they accept substantially more organic material than the nearby community garden.
Things to consider if you live in a condo:
may need HOA or building management buy-in for pick-up services. Get approval to leave a
collection bucket by your front door or an easily accessible/secure
outdoor location. If you live in a gated community, make sure the
company has appropriate access codes.